Exclusive Breast feeding is one of the natural method of family planning, which is a safe birth control method. The aim of the study is to access awareness and perception of pregnant women towards exclusive breast feeding as a way of family planning, also to identify the views of pregnant women towards exclusive breast feeding without additional supplement, in Eidenu Community, Irrua, Edo State. In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out as follows. To assess the level of awareness and perception of exclusive breastfeeding as birth control method among pregnant women, to assess the extent in which pregnant women practice exclusive breastfeeding, to determine problem militating against exclusive breastfeeding. The Survey research design was used, so pregnant women were selected by using simple random techniques. A total of 44 responses validated from the survey. Research questions were formulated and data collected using questionnaire which were distributed to the target population. Face and content validity were ensured by my supervisor. Data were analyzed using simple frequency table, results were expressed in percentage. The findings revealed that most pregnant women in Eidenu Community, Esan Central, Irrua, Edo State have not taken Exclusive breastfeeding to be a birth control method and women needs healthy education on the importance of exclusive breastfeeding as birth control in subsequent pregnancies. Based on findings of the following conclusion were made. Exclusive breastfeeding as a birth control should be properly taught and explained to reduce the rate of complications and misconceptions, when practicing exclusive breastfeeding as birth control method. Recommendation for this study, pregnant women should utilize the health facilities for proper health education to help reduce misconceptions of exclusive breastfeeding as birth control, health professionals should be well educated to be able to give good explanation to pregnant women.
Keywords: Awareness, perception, exclusive breastfeeding, birth control method, pregnant women